Dedicated to OUR Community for over 100 years
The Woman’s Club of Clayton (TWCC) was originally founded on October 18, 1918 and has been providing service to the Clayton community for more than 100 years. TWCC is a non-profit, 501(c)3 philanthropic organization and is a federated club of the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs (GFWC). GFWC is a unifying force, bringing together local women’s clubs, with members dedicated to strengthening their communities and enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service.
TWCC is made up of women who share a common goal: to work together to improve our local community, socially, physically, culturally, and educationally. Please consider joining us and helping us serve those in need of assistance.
With nearly 80,000 members in affiliated clubs in every state and more than a dozen countries, GFWC members are community leaders who work locally to create global change by supporting the arts, preserving natural resources, advancing education, promoting healthy lifestyles, encouraging civic engagement, and working toward peace and understanding.
TWCC helps meet a variety of community needs such as donation of $15,000 to support Harmony Playground at East Clayton Community Park. Every Christmas, the club partners with the Civitan Club to shop for underprivileged children in the community with the Christmas Kids project. The club sponsors an annual Arts Festival featuring art from students in the Clayton area. In 2022, the club was awarded a $25,000 RYE Foundation grant and the funds were donated to a variety of service agencies in Johnston County including Backpack Buddies, Clayton Area Ministries, Serve the Need Johnston County, With Love From Jesus, and House of Hope.

Sarah Brooks and Betsy Grannis present a check for $2633 to Sue Beyer and Pastor William Beyer for the Holy Cross Lutheran Church Backpack Buddies program.

Members shop for Christmas Kids project annually providing gifts requested by the kids.

Members participate in groundbreaking ceremony for Harmony Playground
Community Service Programs (CSP's)
TWCC members are assigned to one of five community service programs (CSP’s) that coincide with CSP’s established by the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The CSP’s are structured to address the needs of our community by focusing on major issues that affect the community daily such as supporting women’s health, preserving natural resources, promoting literacy and equality, citizen advocacy, and encouraging volunteer service. The CSP’s identified below focus on the arts and culture, environment, education and libraries, health and wellness, and civic engagement and outreach.
Arts & Culture

Left: The Arts & Culture CSP painting booth is enjoyed by children at a community event.
Right: The Arts & Culture CSP supports a special needs class by providing special arts supplies and helps students complete “no sew” blankets that they can take home.
Below: Members help Special Needs Class decorate Christmas Trees

Objective: Arts and culture (A&C CSP) are essential to our quality of life! The study of art and culture enriches the human experience. Art education improves problem solving and critical thinking skills, builds focus and perseverance, and nurtures creativity, confidence, and collaboration. Cultural awareness promotes effective communication and profoundly increases the ability to appreciate and enjoy a variety of new people and experiences. Projects that include music, dance, theatre, or a cultural experience, can be both traditional and innovative. There are countless ways to support the arts and culture awareness.
Co-Chairs: Dianne Carroll, Angela Williams, Patty Jo Johnson
Objective: The Environment Community Service Program (ENV CSP) encourages us to be stewards of the earth: 1) Preserve the world’s resources, protect wildlife and domesticated animals, 2) Live sustainably, and 3) Beautify our communities and enjoy nature. The environment is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth—the air we breathe, the water that covers most of its surface, all flora and fauna, and the soil, minerals, and fossil fuels that exist within its crust. The environment continually changes through natural ecological processes and as a result of human actions. We strive to educate members about the importance of beautifying, maintaining and restoring our most precious resources through the implementation of projects in our local communities.
Co-Chairs: Carrole Dayton, Cecilia Soporowska, Rhonda Nielsen

Easter 2021 at the Community Garden – fun time for both kids and adults!

Members plant shrubs below the recognition wall at Harmony Playground.

The Environment CSP worked with the Library and town staff on the Pollinator Garden at the Library. Members helped plant the plants in the garden.

The Environment CSP works closely with the Clayton Community Garden on Main Street. For Christmas 2018, members helped turn the garden into a gingerbread house.
Education & Libraries
Objective: Members promote education at all levels. We help others, while continuing to learn ourselves. Projects in the Education and Libraries Community Service Program (E&L CSP) are designed to foster schools and educational institutions, and to promote literacy, libraries, and the love of a good book. We encourage the growth of individuals and communities at home and around the world.
Chairs: Margaret Lee, Donna Steele, Susan Mancuso

Above: The Education & Libraries CSP prepares Book Bags for first graders at Cooper Academy.
Top right: The Education & Libraries CSP participates in the annual national initiative, Read for the Record, by reading to first graders at Cooper Academy.
Bottom right: The Education & Libraries CSP puppet shows for first graders in local elementary schools are a huge hit!

Above: Recipients of Sallie Southall Cotten College Scholarship and Sybil Champion Community College Scholarship are recognized.
Left: TWCC Book Club, Epsilon Sigma Omicron, donate a painted bench to the Clayton Community Garden on Main Street
Health & Wellness

The Health & Wellness CSP supports the Senior Center by providing items such as puzzles and calls Bingo once a month with winners receiving small gifts

The Health & Wellness CSP supports the House of Hope by providing a monthly meal for residents and staff, hosting special events, providing supplies, etc.
Objective: The Health and Wellness Community Service Program (H&W CSP) is designed to inform members of issues that affect the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. To improve our well-being, we must address three key components: 1) Nutrition, 2) Disease prevention, and 3) Physical and emotional care. This CSP aims to explore the various opportunities for awareness and advancement of each of these vital areas. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” Wellness has been described as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is a dynamic process of change and growth. Consider projects that address issues that promote healthy lifestyles, and mental health awareness.
Co-Chairs: Marianne Sapsara, Tina Zimmerman, Judy Ryan

Members participate in nature walk at Clemmons Educational State Forest.
Civic Engagement & Outreach
Objective: The Civic Engagement and Outreach Community Service Program (CEO CSP) reminds members that each of us is a part of a larger society and is responsible for undertaking actions that will create a better quality of life and foster a sense of community; locally, regionally, nationally, and globally. The “broad strokes” of this effort include: 1) Citizenship; 2) Crime Prevention, Safety, and Disaster Preparedness; 3) The Needy, Hungry, and Homeless; 4) Our Military Personnel and Veterans and 5)Support and Aid Women Veterans.
Co-Chairs: Susan Johnson and Karen Keeslar

Upper Right: The Civic Engagement & Outreach CSP supports Rise Against Hunger Events. This one was held on the MLK Day of Service.
Lower Right: Members donated goodies to the Clayton Police Department for Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
Above: Members donated school supplies and helped pack backpacks for the JOCO Back to School Youth Explosion.